Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Animania 2008 writeup... Of sorts.

Because I'm horribly lazy, this writeup won't be exactly huge. Anyhow, explanation! Pretty much what happened was a group trip of myself and about 11 other friends (I lose count at times, seriously) to glorious Sydney for a weekend for Shopping, Stupid amounts of food (On my part) and Animania! For those that don't have a single clue what I'm on about, Animania is pretty much a convention based around Anime/Manga culture, and as such there were people in various Cos-play, loads of food, and plenty of excitement and loud noises. So, Some pics!
Eddy's gone and found his Avenue.
Beginning the epic journey! (Note: half of us in some form of costume...)
Like some soppy movie scene... but blurry!

So, our gorious day at Animania Sydney 2008 begins! There was alot of fun to be had that day.
Stalls displaying a variety of wares, lots of food (I must have eaten like... 10 takoyaki...), plenty of cosplay, karaoke, anime displays, cosplay displays, all sorts of fun!

Now apparently some of the downsides to this year was it was in Redfern, which isn't akin to TownHall where it was previously. And I gotta say, it definitely did feel like a downside. No food variety, and not much to do when you got bored. There wasn't a fantastic variety of things to do at the convention itself, either. Apart from the cosplay, it was seemingly quiet for most of the day, and very few of the events had much "spark" to them.
That said though, some of the cosplay that we DID see was awesome. Alot of it was my fangirly inside screaming, but some of them were really amazing. Honest! Fine, don't believe me? Heres some pics!
Trains are awesome. Most of the gang!
I just... Don't quite know anymore.

The waiting! huge amounts of crowd... And note the Host Club near the centre.
Soul from Soul Eater

Few friends of mine, and 2 VERY EXPENSIVE outfits. Suigintou and Shinku from Rozen Maiden.
.. Complete with evil coloured Contacts.
Sakagami Tomoyo from Clannad. One of my favourites, but a pity she didn't get more attention.
The Team Fortress 2 Crew. Their doctor was late..

Well played, Sensei.

School Rumble!

Anyhow, I'll post more in a 2nd writeup later this week, I'm rather tired and sickly at the moment. :(

Reijin out.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Animania 2008!

Hurrah, I'm going to Animania tomorrow! If anyone wants to meet me, drop me a comment with your email and I'll get in touch with you :D

Anyway... This is the reason I watch Koihime Musou.

Hows that for fanservice.. I'm thinking this is one of the "So bad it's good" shows. It's a good laugh for quite a bit though, so enjoying it so far.
The storyline is abit far-fetched though... But we'll see how it develops. Probably only watching it for the huge bewbies at the moment.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

In the gist of things

Somehow, this doesn't quite work out for me at the moment. It usually works well, but sometimes not. Maybe I need to go back into like, a martial art. (Pity I can't because of work)
Oh well, I suppose I'll keep job-hunting and find something that suits me.

It's abit iffy at the moment, but you have to find a niche to fit into, don't you?

Anyway, I might just leave the update here.
reijin out.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Huh. Musing, once again.

So, just musing bout my average life.
Where am I going with my current career... Network engineering...

Oh well. I guess you can't complain , at least I'm getting a decent pay.
For what I'm doing, anyhow. I'm considering Graphic Design and possibly getting back into music though! So, we'll see how it goes. Life goes where you take it, I suppose.

That aside, Anime this season seems pretty good. Strike Witches is entertaining, and theres only 2-3 new series' that I'm after in terms of watching, so I can actually catch up on my backlog.... Which is only ever getting larger and larger. Oh well.
Anime is amusing. When adults and peers ask me why I watch this "Japanese 2d softcore" I simply reply that it's humourous, and it fills a niche that is misrepresented in western society.

Adults not liking animated features? Excuse me for liking them so, because in all honesty I can't for the life of me see a story such as EF being done as a TV sitcom that a wide audience will enjoy and as such, let the show continue. On top of that, sitcoms etc that anime sort-of represent in a 2d fashion are all either comedies, or Home & Away type dramas.

I'd rather just see some guy fall in love with the girl of his dreams, and follow that one storyline... Thanks for offering me a pack of 11 randoms that just want to screw each others' brains out.

Anyway, I hope my incoherent rambling made some sense to my few readers, and I guess I'll do something more amusing for you few tomorow :)