Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Complaints about life

So. Some depressing parts of my life incoming.
Firstly: Wow, my job sucks! I'm quitting. End of line. Too much crap from too few people that just makes the entire line of work go down the shitter rather quickly. Seccondly: Looking at my life, it's pretty depressing. Aside from the occasional friend outing, it's games at home. Or work. Not much variety.
Thirdly: God damnit, I'm oh so very lonely. ;_;

Eh, I suppose I'll get over it. I guess I'm not feeling the best in the world for the last few weeks or so. It'll pass, and I'll go back to my usual stupidly happy self. Only where the currents take you, I suppose.

Whatever it is watching over us... he sure ain't doing much more.

My apologies to those few that are after content, by the way. I'll post some real material when I wake up, hopefully refreshed and ~ready for action~
Reijin out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that mate but that's pretty much life if u think of it unless, u are filthy rich, traveling might be another option.
Not a cheap one. @_@